
The #GravitateHealthHackathon @ #AthensDigitalHealthWeek2024 GNOMON – iSL_UTH: 1st prize!
At the prestigious Hackathon organised by Gravitate Health project during Athens Digital Health Week 2024 (15-19 January), a team of…

Athens Digital Health Week 2024
The University of Thessaly and in particular the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics with the Intelligent Systems Laboratory…

FOSSCOMM 2022: 15th Panhellenic Conference of Free and Open Source Software Communities
The University of Thessaly, in co-organization with the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics and the Open Technologies Organization…

iSL participates in the Procure4Health EU project with Assistant Professor Dr. Haralampos Karanika, having the scientific responsibility. Procure4Health is an EU project that…

Innovation Days 2022 by EKT and the University of Thessaly
For the 5th year, the National Documentation Centre (EKT), as an EIT Health hub for Greece, with the support of…

Information for “The Future of the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format” workshop on Monday 12th of September
Just a few days until the European Electronic Healthcare Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) Workshop! On behalf of IHE Catalyst and IHE-Europe, in collaboration…

Call for Interest for funded PhD candidate positions
The Intelligent Systems Laboratory of the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics of the University of Thessaly announces a…

SISEI: Smart Infotainment System with Emotional Intelligence (Τ1ΕΔΚ-01046, MIS 5031859)
Το παρόν χρηματοδοτούμενο πρόγραμμα αφορά στη διενέργεια έρευνας και ανάπτυξης για τη δημιουργία ενός πρωτότυπου συστήματος καινοτομικών υπηρεσιών που θα…

Karanikas: We should formulate a Greek health data strategy ( annual #HealthIT23 conference, HealthDaily
Evidence-based health policy cannot exist without real-world data. We are at a juncture where information and communication technologies can provide…

Panhellenic Conference on Health Economics and Policies 2022
Dr Haralampos Karanikas, participates as a speaker in the session on National Strategy for Digital Health in Greece during the…

iSL is participating in the 6th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences (ICACDS)-2022, which will be organized…

ATA2022 Annual Conference & Expo
iSL is participating in ATA2022 Annual Conference & Expo taking place May 1-3, 2022 in Boston, MA. ATA2022 will showcase…

i-Days: Student competition to tackle health challenges 3,4&5/11/2021
For the fourth year, the Greek National Documentation Centre of Greece (EKT), as a hub of EIT Health for Greece,…

47ο Ετήσιο Πανελλήνιο Ιατρικό Συνέδριο
Στο πλαίσιο του συνεδρίου πραγματοποιείται Στρογγυλή Τράπεζα με τίτλο «Ψηφίακος Μετασχηματισμός στην Υγεία» την Παρασκευή 21 Μαΐου 2021, 12.30-13.50 στην Αίθουσα…

FOSSCOMM 2019 Conference
“12th Panhellenic Conference of Free Software and Open Source Software Communications Meeting – FOSSCOMM 2019 ” The annual Panhellenic Conference…

Τhessaly Science Festival 2018
“30 years of creation” Τhessaly Science Festival 2018Pappas Mill, Larissa #thsf2018: 5.000 visitors celebrated the 30th anniversary of the University…

Visit of Educational staff at the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics
Partners of Erasmus+ Project “Athena” from Czech Republic, Romania, Turkey and Hungary were hosted by the Department of Computer Science…

Karanikas: We should formulate a Greek health data strategy ( annual #HealthIT23 conference, HealthDaily
Evidence-based health policy cannot exist without real-world data. We are at a juncture where information and communication technologies can provide…

Presentation of the digital health and social solidarity services of the Inter-Municipal Development Local Government “CitiesNet SA”
Agenda Opening Ceremonies: -Mayor of Lamia, Mr. Thymios Karaiskos -On behalf of the Chairman of the Board of CitiesNet Mr.…

Next step after graduation
The Intelligent Systems Laboratory (iSL) and the IEEE Student Branch - Lamia organize an event for graduate students of the…

Webinar titled “I.T. Applications in Healthcare”
The IEEE Student Branch of University of Thessaly (Lamia) in collaboration with the Intelligent Systems Laboratory of the Department of…

Associate Professor Athanasios Kakarountas (Director of Intelligent Systems Laboratory) is participating in SFHMMY 2021 student conference, as a speaker of…

Online seminar titled “LaTeX and Overleaf”
The IEEE Student Branch University of Thessaly, Lamia is pleased to invite you to an online seminar titled “LaTeX and…

The development of research in Neuroscience
On Thursday 27 February 2020, at 15:00-17: 30 pm, at the Amphitheater of the School of Sciences of the University…

Entrepreneurship Day
On Wednesday 6 November 2019, at 15:00-18:00 pm, a meeting dedicated to Entrepreneurship was held at the Amphitheater of the…